In modern technology, Semiconductors are extremely central and critical components. On these integrated circuits that are housed on silicon wafer chips, Most of the electronic devices we use today operate. It does, however, to get the semiconductor in that condition from the raw material, takes a lot of processing and work. The silicon wafer chip is the basic substrate of these microchips upon which all the microfabrication takes place. In this article, at just what constitutes the silicon wafer production process we will take a detailed look.
Ingot Growth step of The Production Process of Silicon Wafer
Growing a nugget of silicon isthe very first step in silicon wafer production by silicon wafer manufacturer, also referred to as a silicon ingot. The span of one week toup to one month is taken by growing a single silicon ingot. The wafer specification, quality, and size determine the time taken for the ingot growth. To grow the crystal is the CZ Method or Czochralski Method is One of the most common methods used. The Float Zone technique is another method, but in the current practice, it is seldom used. In a trough made of quartz, polycrystalline silicon pieces are put in the former method.
Being elements from Group 3 and 4 of the periodic table, such as Antimony Small, Phosphorus, Boron, or Arsenic quantities of dopants are added. For determining the properties of the resultant wafer material, these dopants are responsible - it may be Arsenic or Boron. Above a temperature of 1412 degrees, the material is then heated until everything has liquefied.
Then, as the intended result ofthe process is placed inside as a seed, a silicon crystal having the same orientation to facilitate the defects of growth of the crystal with minimum. The process is stopped by stabilizing the conditions once the required diameter of the crystal from silicon wafer supplier is reached.
As electronic-grade silicon to EGS, The resulting material is referred. For cutting, this silicon ingot can beused subsequently and for the final silicon wafers for the semiconductor, they are molded into the shape needed.
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